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V-Guard Enviro BLDC | 400 mm  | Motor 3 Blade Wall Fan

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V-Guard Enviro BLDC | 400 mm | Motor 3 Blade Wall Fan

CODE: FAN00361

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  • Blade Sweep: 400 mm
  • BEE Energy Rating: 2022 Launch Year
  • 5,490.00



    Out of stock

    Good quality product.made with good quality material.It comes in various range & variety and hence fulfills the need of all.



    Model Name

    Enviro BLDC 400mm



    Number of Blades


    Product Details

    Blade Sweep

    400 mm

    Sales Package

    Motor, Blades, Canopy, Bottom Canopy, Shackle Assembly, Down Rod, 1 Set Of Unassembled Plate, Remote


    Warranty Summary

    2 Year Domestic Warranty

    Covered in Warranty

    Manufacturing Defect

    Not Covered in Warranty

    1. For the damages resulting from falling of, damaged blades, accidents, attempted repairs, mishandling or negligence on the part of the customer or unauthorized persons. 2. For normal wear & tear, aging efect, peeling of or any other damage to the painte

    Manufacturing, Packaging and Import Info

    Country of Origin


    Manufactured by

    v guard industries ltd

    Imported by

    v guard industries ltd

    Packed by

    v guard industries ltd

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